Brad, Abi, Quin 9, Ezzie 7, Tate 5 and Jems 2 currently live in Mahomet, Illinois.
Brad is the US Director for Radstock Ministries and is also helping to start up The Good Book company in the US. (Up to now Good Book has only been in the UK.)We have been with Radstock for 9 years now. Before we lived in Mahomet we were on the Mission field in Kosovo for 3 years and before that in the UK for 4 years.
Abi is a stay at home Mum who typically runs a 3 ringed circus out of the house. She has been doing some speaking at local churches and groups about their life and faith.
We are involved in our church in different aspects - Missions, Praise Team, Adult Sunday school teaching and Children's ministry.