One of the horses here in the barn had a foal a month or so ago - we were running bets on whether the mare or I would go into labour first. She went into labour at midnight one night so we got Quin and Ezzie out of bed to get a ringside seat. Labour is very quick with horses so Ezzie and I arrived just as the foal had been born. Quin bolted out of bed in a daze and got there just in time!!!!

Here he is right after birth.
Hi there, just wanted to see if it works. i signed up so i can comment on your blog!!! hee hee! very fun story about wrecking up the family Pics. how did it go by the way? did brad wear sun glasses for that too! Lisa Frey
ok sorry to bother you so much, but i'm getting this figured out so i can view your blog more often and keep up with you and the family. HOW do i "sign on" to your blog site and recieve an email telling me that you posted recently?
your gonna kill me. ok i think i got my NAME corrected now. whew
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