Radstock Reports ticker tape

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fires and floods!!

The leadership Camp was a great success. Brad had a good group of students this year and had fun with the team who flew in from America.
Of course there was alot of action as there always seems to be in our family and here.
I woke up one morning to go downstairs at 6.30am to the sound of rushing water!! (Not a sound you want to hear at any time unless you have the tap on!!) Tate and I found ourselves standing in 3 inches of water in the downstairs bathroom. Thankfully I knew where the stopcock is so turned off all the water downstairs and our friend Alastair had fixed everything by 10.30am!!
No sooner had the flood been sorted than I had a phone call from up in the mountains letting us know that there were significant forest fires up there and there was a high chance that we would need to evacuate the 90 people who were up there on 2 different camps!! Check out the photo of the fires. The roofs of the place Brad was staying were at the bottom of the smoke on the left hand side of the photo!!!!! Pretty close.
We really didn't want to have to evacuate the camps for numerous reasons, so we called round and put drivers on standby in case we were needed. We weren't and the camps were able to continue as planned.

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