On the eve of the anniversary of the birth of America, better known in this fair land as Independence Day we enjoyed the fun at the Drive–in-Movie. What is this you might ask? Well if you remember any of those great old 1950’s movies where all the teenagers were parking and “watching a movie” in their cars, well a place like that still exists today in a little town about 20 miles north of us. What a great time we had. We backed our mini-van/people carrier in, opened the tailgate/boot and got comfortable with snacks and sleeping bags to watch the film. The movie starts when the man who owns the venue likes. He aims for dusk but it seems to be a movable feast really. So until the movie starts the kids can enjoy free rides on the carousel and in our case we practiced our baseball skills. It’s a great family atmosphere and all had a good time, even if some of our flock weren’t able to fend off the sand man before the end of the movie.
The following day was the 4th of July, the day our forefathers committed high treason against my wife’s much older and more established nation of Great Britain. This day too was spent in merry making. We started by heading to a traditional small town parade with tractors, old cars, fire engines and floats. The hands of time turned back to days gone by when folks enjoyed simpler pleasures. And it was a pleasure for me to see my kids to enjoying an event that I fondly remember from my childhood. After the parade the kids enjoyed old fashion games and face painting. We went with some neighbors and had a great time. Following the parade we had more neighbors and my parents over for a BBQ, followed by another late night watching a fireworks display at our local park. It was a good day! Very small town and very nostalgic in the best possible way.
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