Goats, what do you think of when you when someone brings up these little creatures? Billy, smelly, Gruff, sheep? For my daughter, Ezzie, the word goat takes her back to Kosova. She loves to herd them, care for them, and eat them. If she were to have been born to other parents in another land she surely would be a goat herder, she’s a natural. The owner of house we are staying at in Kosova has a sizable herd of goats our kids have been playing with non-stop since we arrived. Their only distraction from the goats are the cherry trees that they are climbing to enjoy a healthy snack.
On the fist morning we were here, Ezzie ran into the house requesting my help to free a goat that’s got her head stuck through the fence. Needless to say, I was unsuccessful. Have you ever tried to manhandle a goat? Its not easy. But it did get me to thinking about our goat likeness in relationship to the Lord. The herd was grazing in a beautiful pasture full of lush green grass. But this curious strong willed creature wandered off looking for “greener grass”. That stubborn horned creature poked her head through the fence in the attempt to get at something she thought would be better. In the end she trapped herself in a hole and was helpless to free herself. No matter how much she struggled or I struggled to help her freedom was elusive and un-attainable.
Isn’t that the same as us? How many times do we venture away from the good in search of the great only to find we get stuck in the mud of life that could have been avoided? I know this is the case for myself and I’d bet it’s not too different for you. Thankfully, there is one who rescues me because I know I can’t rescue myself. And I am grateful he has.
Well, you might be asking, what happened to that goat? The shepherd came home and rescued her. What she couldn’t do and what I couldn’t do, he could do because she knew his voice, trusted him and he was able to rescue her. Won’t you let the rescuer take hold of your stubborn horns today?Goats, what do you think of when you when someone brings up these little creatures? Billy, smelly, Gruff, sheep? For my daughter, Ezzie, the word goat takes her back to Kosova. She loves to herd them, care for them, and eat them. If she were to have been born to other parents in another land she surely would be a goat herder, she’s a natural. The owner of house we are staying at in Kosova has a sizable herd of goats our kids have been playing with non-stop since we arrived. Their only distraction from the goats are the cherry trees that they are climbing to enjoy a healthy snack.
On the fist morning we were here, Ezzie runs into the house requesting my help to free a goat that’s got her head stuck through the fence. Needless to say, I was unsuccessful. Have you ever tried to manhandle a goat? Its not easy. But it did get me to thinking about our goat likeness in relationship to the Lord. The herd was grazing in a beautiful pasture full of lush green grass. But this curious strong willed creature wandered off looking for “greener grass”. That stubborn goat had poked her head through the fence in the attempt to get at something she thought would be better. In the end she trapped herself in a hole and was helpless to free herself. No matter how much she struggled or I struggled to help her freedom was elusive and un-attainable.
Isn’t that the same as us? How many times do we venture away from the good in search of the great only to find we get stuck in the mud of life that could have been avoided? I know this is the case for myself and I’d bet it’s not too different for you. Thankfully, I have a heavenly Father who rescues me because I know I can’t rescue myself. And I am grateful he has.
Well, you might be asking, what happened to that goat? Goats, what do you think of when you when someone brings up these little creatures? Billy, smelly, Gruff, sheep? For my daughter, Ezzie, the word goat takes her back to Kosova. She loves to herd them, care for them, and eat them. If she were to have been born to other parents in another land she surely would be a goat herder, she’s a natural. The owner of house we are staying at in Kosova has a sizable herd of goats our kids have been playing with non-stop since we arrived. Their only distraction from the goats are the cherry trees that they are climbing to enjoy a healthy snack.
On the fist morning we were here, Ezzie runs into the house requesting my help to free a goat that’s got her head stuck through the fence. Needless to say, I was unsuccessful. Have you ever tried to manhandle a goat? Its not easy. But it did get me to thinking about our goat likeness in relationship to the Lord. The herd was grazing in a beautiful pasture full of lush green grass. But this curious strong willed creature wandered off looking for “greener grass”. That stubborn goat had poked her head through the fence in the attempt to get at something she thought would be better. In the end she trapped herself in a hole and was helpless to free herself. No matter how much she struggled or I struggled to help her freedom was elusive and un-attainable.
Isn’t that the same as us? How many times do we venture away from the good in search of the great only to find we get stuck in the mud of life that could have been avoided? I know this is the case for myself and I’d bet it’s not too different for you. Thankfully, I have a heavenly Father who rescues me because I know I can’t rescue myself. And I am grateful he has.
Well, you might be asking, what happened to that goat? The shepherd came home and recued her. What she couldn’t do and what I couldn’t do, he could do because she knew his voice, trusted him and he was able to rescue her. Won’t you let the rescuer take hold of your stubborn heart today?
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