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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why We Need Confession of Sin

Kevin has written a follow up to his post about Christians feeling guilty...

"After writing about feeling guilty on Tuesday, it got me thinking some more about why Christians need confession of sin.

You often hear statements like this: “There is nothing you can do to make God love you more or to make him love you less.” And while it’s true that those who have been justified by grace through faith can never be more justified, we can hear a statement like this incorrectly. Yes, God loves us fully in Christ, but this does not mean we are incapable of doing things that are displeasing to God. We can get out of step with the Spirit. We can grieve him too. Even after we have been redeemed, our sin continues to be offensive to God. And this has an effect."

Read on...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A glimpse of harvest work...

Today, I got this encouraging e-mail from a friend about his work the the work of his Father in the Balkans.

"The other day Gjon (a new believer) and I went up into the hills to the village where Gjon is from, to spend the evening with the uncle of Gjon, and his family. Since Gjon has come to the Lord he has a great desire to share Jesus with his family. His family is one that still saves a memory of being Christians (Roman Catholics) [Pre-reformation period in a time when South Eastern Europe was governed by the Muslim Sultans from Istanbul] generations before.

Nasser, a 75 years old neighbor came over as we were preparing for dinner, eaten sitting on the floor, around low round table, (just as in Jesus' time. I guess). The conversation picked up from a question he asked me... what is the best religion in the world ... to Jesus being the only way to the father... and for about three hours we shared the gospel with them. As we where leaving after we had few cups of black Turkish tea, Gjon said to me: He is 75 but he has never in his life heard anything like what he has heard tonight.

It made my heart ache. How many people are like this older man, Oh Lord, scattered all around towns and villages, who have never had a chance to respond to the gospel?! I am only a man, small, limited , good at wasting time! Please send more workers into your fields! Please intercede that the knowledge of the Lord will fill Kosovo towns as the water covers the sea!"

From one lone, faithful worker in a field white with harvest. Join us in praying for our brother in the field.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Are Christians meant to feel guilty all the time?

Kevin DeYoung has some great things to say over at his blog and this is how he begins one of his recent posts. It is a good reminder.

I imagine there are plenty of Christians who rarely feel the sting of conscience or the pangs of regret. But I also know many, many Christians (including the one I see in the mirror) who easily feel bad for all the things they are not doing or are doing less than perfectly. In fact, I’m convinced most serious Christians live their lives with an almost constant low-level sense of guilt.

Read the rest..

Get the defibrilator, quick!

After a quiet period, or should I say a near cyber-death, I am going to try an attempt at resuscitation on this blog. For our loyal followers out there, all 3 of you, I hope we don't pack your in-boxes and RSS feeders too full.

Blogs are seemingly becoming more and more popular and there is a lot of great stuff circulating out there written by more thoughtful, funny and frankly clever folks than Abi and I. Much of it has been a real encouragement to us. Not everything will we completely agree with but if we share it, its been something that has given us pause for thought. So, since this is our blog and you can choose to follow it or not, I thought I would start funneling things your way. Stay tuned and Enjoy!